Georgetown, Penang

Instragammable Penang: Random Shots

Monday, August 20, 2018

This is WHY Penang is so instragammable!

I thought of taking my DSLR for a walk around Penang but unfortunately, I forgot to bring along my SD card (memory card for the camera) and of course i am upset! Luckily i have an iPhone with me so all these photos were taken from an iPhone. Didn't expect that random shots using a phone can be this satisfying.

All photos were edited with RNI apps which i installed quite a while ago but just recently, i have been using it quite often and i LOVE the outcome! I also printed all these photos in photo-book and love the richness in color and texture which what i'm looking for whenever i take photos.

I should list out where the photo taken so here are the list (all are a clickable link):