Just Desserts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Congo Bars
i am a person who can't focus on things too long. so i have to diverge sikit lah doing photo editing or take photos or anything yang bersesuaian. hence another photo post at this hour :3 my first attempt making congo bars. i thought it's tricky to be made because the name sounds expensive haha but actually it's the easiest! ahh its totally not my kind of writing to share you guys the congo bars recipe. plus, there are lots of people did share the recipe hence happy google-ing and baking!
Congo Bars
ps: and here are some extra photos from my previous shoot for our own product! Diknun Desserts. Tart Daim + Kek Batik. ;D

1 comment:

Hanis Amanina said...

love kek batik jugak. sbb utama, senang nak buat. sebab lain, sedap!