Japan Travelogue: Nagoya Castle

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

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ahh finally i manage to update with some massive throwback photos from my previous trip to Japan. konnichiwa! haik haik buang tebiat! :D not going to write much, lets take a look some of the pictures that i took around at Nagoya Castle. we were about to visit the Osaka castle, unfortunately we had to reschedule it because of the weather. alhamdulillah, what a great opportunity to visit and learn more about their culture and historic values. historical places definitely will be my forever favorite. :))
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nelayan berjaya. heh. the best-known items associated with the Nagoya Castle are this golden dolphins, or kinshachi as symbol of the feudal lord’s authority.IMG_6738
this is how samurai looks alike. *ketaq lutut*
they re-draw this painting on each door in this castle (originally). amazing i must said!
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i always regret of not taking more photos. and always regret that i didn't even try to squeeze myself in the photo. heh. i guess, i am too busy admiring those places and forget to capture myself in it (except if someone are really capable and having skills in taking photo not like my brother pftttt haha seriously :D).

My previous post:
Japan Travelogue: Senso-ji


Mek Onie said...

wahhhhhhhhhhh,kamu da sampai sana! jeles weh!

anamizu said...

teringinnya nak p Jepun T__T
teghuih teringat cita 47 Ronin.